Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dilemma Like Nelly and Kelly

soooo i`ve been giving ya`ll more celeb gossip than the questions i started this blog for. well i`m bak with another mind rumbling question. well here you go, and let me know your answer:

soooo i`ve had these two supposed friends for about 3 or 4 years now. when i met them i was single and was able to drop what i was doing and chill whenever, and go places whenever. now that i have a girlfriend, i spend more time with her than them and now they callin` me phony and talkin` about me behind my back ! sooo were they really my friends in the first place ? should i cut them off, or keep my mouth closed and stay friends ?


  1. I've been in this position one too many times and even though you may feel like you're doing your best to balance, it's always one side thats never going to be satisfied. I simply just let the shit ride. It was no use for me to get myself worked up over something I knew I was trying my hardest to maintain...

    However; I took it as a lesson learned. Real friends deal with the situation by adressed it, the fake one's are the ones you're dealing with.

  2. Well, in my eyes it seems like they weren`t real friends in the first place. Because real friends wouldn`t act like that if they see that you happy with your new found girlfriend lol. And they would understand that you cant do everything with them like yhu used to because now yhu have new priorities (girlfriend) But yhu dont have to necessarily cut them off from yhur life since you have been friends with them for so lonq, that would be like a waste of time. Just sit and talk to them and let them know where your coming from and hopefully they will understand. Hope i helped lol =]
